Dead by Daylight The Plague Guide

Dead by Daylight The Plague Guide

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The Plague is a very difficult killer to learn and use effectively in Dead by Daylight. However, once players get the hang of the Plague, she offers a unique and fun playstyle that can be incredibly difficult for survivors to adapt to.

So, for any killers that are looking to mix their games up a bit, the Plague is a strong contender to spend the time mastering. So, if you want to start slinging disease in Dead by Daylight, you’ve come to the right Dead by Daylight The Plague guide.

Key Info Up Front

  • Name: Adiris
  • Alias: High Priestess of Babylon
  • Realm: Red Forest
  • Special Power: Vile Purge
  • Movement Speed: 4.6 m/s
  • Perks: Corrupt Intervention, Dark Devotion, Infectious Fright

The Plague Overview

Dead by Daylight The Plague

The Plague is a killer that is focused on spreading infections to survivors and breaking them down throughout the match. Her perks focus on debilitating the survivor’s efforts while confusing survivors and making them contend with their infections on top of the Plague’s basic and special attacks.

In this way, she can control the map better than most other killers to pressure survivors and efficiently make things easier for herself.

The Plague’s story began in the time of ancient Babylon, where she was born as the youngest child in a family of seven. However, when she was only five, she was abandoned alone on the scorching hot steps outside the Temple of Purgation.

Throughout her life from there, she invested all of her faith into the gods that he knew wouldn’t abandon her. So, she dedicated herself to a life of servitude at the temple, tending gardens, preparing meals, and doing other cleaning tasks.

But to her, none of it felt like her true purpose in life. Then, when she came of age, she attended a special ritual in the name of the God of Water and Creation, where she felt closer and more in tune with the divine than ever before.

It drove her to work harder than ever before, taking on new responsibilities throughout the temple and frequently working herself to complete exhaustion.

Soon after, a plague fell upon Babylon outside the temple’s walls. This severely raised the number of purification rituals that the temple had to perform on those afflicted. The priests themselves eventually contracted the disease, preventing them from helping anyone else that was sick.

This left the Plague as the only worker in the temple who could perform the rituals, even though she was not formally trained.

At first, she was nervous to take on the responsibility, but she drew confidence from a secret backroom she discovered with a golden statue of a woman in it. She took it as a sign from the gods that she was on the right path.

With the statue was some beautiful jewelry that she wore during her first service, remarking the audience with her youth, beauty, and apparent wealth. She found a woman with black boils on her feet during her first service, a tell-tale sign of the plague.

However, she acted quickly and cut off one of her toes to offer to the gods in exchange for the woman’s healing. From there, she grew in popularity and prestige as tales of her spiritual leadership spread across all of Babylon.

Eventually, she caught the plague herself and quickly started displaying its violent symptoms. She attempted to hide her condition with a veiled mask and constantly carried a censer with burning incense to cover the smell of her sickness. She continued with her services to appease the gods into healing her, but she found no success.

So, she banished herself from the city and traveled north with a small but dedicated group of followers. She and her followers were all afflicted with the plague, and the Plague performed one last ritual to strengthen their ties with the divine, but she connected with the Entity, and they all disappeared.

The Plague Perks

Dead by Daylight The Plague Perk Corrupt Intervention

The Plague’s three personal perks are focused on hindering the efforts of survivors while also confusing and frightening them. They can be very powerful on the Plague herself, but unlocking their teachable versions can also fuel some powerful builds for other killers. Her perks are:

Corrupt Intervention

This perk is focused on disrupting the survivors. To do this, it blocks the three generators on the map that are the furthest away from the killer for 80/100/120 seconds, depending on the perk’s rank.

Dark Devotion

This perk helps the killer focus on one survivor at a time to weaponize them against their teammates. To do this, the perk makes one of the survivors the killer’s Obsession. When the killer hits the Obsession with a Basic Attack, they begin emitting their Terror Radius for up to 30 seconds, depending on the perks rank.

The killer is also given the Undetectable status effect as well as making the survivor hear their Terror Radius, keeping them from hearing the Plague coming.

Infectious Fright

Infectious Fright helps the Plague chain together by making survivors scream if they’re in your Terror Radius when another survivor is put into Dying State to reveal them to you.

Here’s everything you need to know about Perks in Dead by Daylight.

The Plague Abilities

Profane Censer weapon


The Plague’s Basic Attacks are performed with her Profane Censer weapon, which is effectively a large metal canister on the end of a chain. Her unique power is called Vile Purge, which allows her to infect parts of the environment and survivors alike with the plague.

Environmental items that are hit stay infected for 40 seconds while survivors are infected until they cure it, and they can catch the plague from infected sections of the map.

When survivors are infected, they have a Sickness Meter that gets filled over time. When the meter fills up, they are put into Injured State and are afflicted with the Broken status effect.

Survivors will also puke periodically, which works to spread the infection similarly to the Plague’s Vile Purge. The only way for survivors to cure the plague is to find one of the Pools of Devotion that spawn around the map at the start of the match.

However, doing so will corrupt it, after which the Plague can consume it and transform her Vile Purge into Corrupt Purge for the next 60 seconds.

Corrupt Purge works similarly to Vile Purge, but when it hits a survivor, it drops them one Health State while also not being able to be placed on the environment. The stats for all of The Plague’s abilities are:

  • Vomit Projectile Speed: 10.55 m/s
  • Vile Purge & Corrupt Purge range: 13 meters
  • Vomit Cooldown: 1.5 seconds

The Plague’s abilities can also be modified with any of the Plague’s following add-ons:

Rarity Add-On Description
Common Prayer Tablet Fragment Increases the duration of infected environment objects by 40 seconds and makes interaction with infected items give players 100% Infection, but makes Vile Purge no longer hit survivors directly.
Olibanum Incense Reveals the auras of survivors cleansing themselves at a Pool of Devotion for four seconds.
Limestone Seal Increases the duration of infected environmental objects by 20 seconds.
Healing Salve Decreases the cooldown time of Vile Purge and Corrupt Purge by 0.25 seconds.
Uncommon Prophylactic Amulet Reduces the number of Pools of Devotion spawn on the map by two.
Potent Tincture Decreases the cooldown time of Vile Purge and Corrupt Purge by 0.4 seconds.
Haematite Seal Increases the duration of infected environmental objects by 30 seconds.
Emetic Potion Boosts the effectiveness of Vile Purge by 30%.
Blessed Apple Corrupts two Pools of Devotion at the start of the game.
Rare Rubbing Oil Decreases the charge time of Vile Purge and Corrupt Purge by 50%.
Infected Emetic Boosts the effectiveness of Vile Purge by 40%.
Incensed Ointment Makes survivors in the Plague’s Terror Radius scream when she ingests Corruption.
Exorcism Amulet Boosts the time you have Corrupted Purge by 10 seconds.
Ashen Apple Increases the number of Pools of Devotion on the map by one and makes two of them start the game corrupted.
Very Rare Worship Tablet Increases the speed of the Plague’s Ingest Corruption by 100% and increases her movement speed while she has Corrupt Purge by 4.4%.
Vile Emetic Increases the projectile speed of Vile Purge and Corrupt Purge by 10%.
Severed Toe Increases the injection survivors get from interacting with infected environmental objects by 50%.
Devotee’s Amulet Boosts the time you have Corrupted Purge by 20 seconds.
Ultra Rare Iridescent Seal Gives the Plague Corrupt Purge whenever a Generator is completed but reduces its duration by 20 seconds.
Black Incense Reveals the auras of survivors for three seconds whenever they vomit from infection.

The Plague Builds

Beginner Plague

Beginner Plague

For your build when you start playing Plague, I recommend running one that helps you learn how to use her Vile Purge effectively.

Knowing how to hit survivors with Purges consistently is paramount to your success at any experience level, so working on that foundation immediately will make your journey with this killer much easier. For this build, use these perks:

  • Corrupt Intervention: Blocks the three generators furthest from the killer at the start of the game for up to 120 seconds, depending on the perk’s rank.
  • Pop Goes the Weasel (Clown): After you hook a survivor, the next generator that you damage instantly regresses 25%.
  • Tinkerer (Hillbilly): When a generator is repaired up to 70%, a loud noise reveals its location and gives you the Undetectable status effect for a limited time depending on the perk’s rank.
  • Dying Light (Shape): Marks one survivor as your obsession. Whenever you hook a survivor, that isn’t your obsession, the perk gets one Token. As long as the obsession is alive, all other survivors get a stackable 2/2.5/3% debuff to their Repairing, Sabotaging, and Healing. However, this does not affect the obsession, who instead gets a 33% boost to their speed for Unhooking and Healing survivors.

If you don’t have the teachable perks for this build, you should replace most of them with the Plague’s personal perks or any you prefer that hinder survivors and help you catch them faster.

This build should be paired with add-ons like the Worship Tablet and Vile Emetic to make your Vile Purge even stronger since you’ll be focusing on that.

Intermediate Plague

Once you start getting the hang of how to play the Plague, you can move on to a build like this one. This build is strong for focusing on getting the most out of your Vile Purge while helping you find survivors to target. To run this build, you’ll need the following perks:

  • Bitter Murmur: Reveals the auras of all survivors within 16 meters when a Generator is completed for five seconds. When the last Generator is finished, the auras of all Survivors are revealed for 5/7/10 seconds.
  • Infectious Fright: Makes survivors scream if they’re in your Terror Radius when another survivor is put into Dying State to reveal them to you.
  • Knock Out (Cannibal): When you put a survivor into Dying State, their aura is hidden from any survivors more than 32/24/16 meters away, and for 15 seconds, the survivor has a decreased field of view, crawls 50% slower, is deafened, and is afflicted with the Blindness status effect.
  • Hex: The Third Seal (Hag): Places a Hex totem on the map that makes the last 2/3/4 survivors hit with your attack be afflicted with the Blindness status effect.

This build makes tracking down survivors so much easier and more efficient. For it, you can use any add-ons that you prefer, but the ones that make your Vile Purge stronger work very well with it.

Generator Plague

Plague Tinkerer (Hillbilly)

The first advanced Plague build we’ll look at focuses on using generators to find survivors and quickly pick them off one by one. However, you should know that this build is not for impatient players or want to wrap games up quickly, as it takes a while to work. To make it work, you’ll want these perks equipped:

  • Tinkerer (Hillbilly): When a generator is repaired up to 70%, a loud noise reveals its location and gives you the Undetectable status effect for a limited time depending on the perk’s rank.
  • Bitter Murmur: Reveals the auras of all survivors within 16 meters when a Generator is completed for five seconds. When the last Generator is finished, the auras of all Survivors are revealed for 5/7/10 seconds.
  • Claustrophobia: Blocks the Windows and Vault locations within 32 meters of a completed Generator for 20/25/30 seconds.
  • Corrupt Intervention: Blocks the three generators furthest from the killer at the start of the game for up to 120 seconds, depending on the perk’s rank.

This build can be extremely effective at killing survivors with sudden attacks after completing generators. However, its add-ons are pivotal, so you’ll need to have a good stock of them built before trying this one.

The two you want equipped are the Iridescent Seal and the Devotee’s Amulet. Both of these will combine with the perks to give you Corrupt Purge whenever a Generator is finished so that you can take survivors out with quick Corrupted Purges.

Cripple Plague

This build is all about slowing down survivors’ progress by attacking generators and getting in their way as frequently as possible. The Cripple Plague also helps drag the game out to be longer to help the Plague get established and counter her weaknesses in the early parts of the game. However, since it mostly focuses on damaging generators, you’ll have to have solid fundamentals while playing as Plague to take full advantage of the extra time. To run it, use these perks:

  • Jolt: All Generators within 32 meters of you explode and start regressing when you put a survivor into Dying State with a Basic Attack.
  • Hex: Ruin (Hag): Makes all Generators regress 100/150/200% faster while they aren’t being repaired.
  • Dying Light (Shape): Marks one survivor as your obsession. Whenever you hook a survivor, that isn’t your obsession, the perk gets one Token. As long as the obsession is alive, all other survivors get a stackable 2/2.5/3% debuff to their Repairing, Sabotaging, and Healing. However, this does not affect the obsession, who instead gets a 33% boost to their speed for Unhooking and Healing survivors.
  • Thanatophobia (Nurse): Survivors get a 4/4.5/5% stackable debuff to their speed Repairing, Cleansing, or Sabotaging for each other injured, hooked, or dying survivor.

These perks make the Plague a real menace while also being good for whichever add-ons you prefer to use for your personal playstyle.

Well-Rounded Plague Build

Plague Discordance (Legion) Perk

This build is entirely about enforcing what makes the Plague stand out as a killer while helping avoid the weaker parts of her kit. It does this by making her much more efficient at taking down multiple survivors in a row.

However, the build also gives some attention to the Plague’s other aspects so that she doesn’t have to rely on her Purges too much. To get this build up and running, use these perks:

  • Corrupt Intervention: Blocks the three generators furthest from the killer at the start of the game for up to 120 seconds, depending on the perk’s rank.
  • Infectious Fright: Makes survivors scream if they’re in your Terror Radius when another survivor is put into Dying State to reveal them to you.
  • Discordance (Legion): Marks Generators within 64/96/128 meters of you whenever two or more survivors prepare them. The aura lingers for four seconds after the conditions stop being met.
  • Pop Goes The Weasel (Clown): After you hook a survivor, the next generator that you damage instantly regresses 25%.

The add-ons for this build that you’ll want to run can either hinder the survivors more, strengthen your Purges, or the Ashen Apple with Blessed Apple to make the Pools of Devotion play more in your favor than the survivors.

This build is for killer players that enjoy how the Plague plays but don’t want their matches to drag on for too long like some other builds, such as the Cripple Plague, do.

The Plague Do’s and Don’ts


  • Learn the maximum range of Vile Purge to know when you can hit survivors with it.
  • Control where survivors go so that infected ones can spread it to their teammates.
  • Use your Purges on survivors locked in animations so they can’t move to avoid it.
  • Infect important objects across the map and kite survivors into them.
  • Try to body block survivors in a corner so that you can fully infect them and keep them from cleansing.
  • Use infected environmental objects to keep track of where survivors are and aren’t.
  • Try to hit multiple survivors with one Purge.
  • Wait until a survivor is fully infected to hit them with a basic attack to keep them from getting the regular burst of speed.


  • Waste your Corrupted Purges.
  • Ignore the Pools of Devotion.
  • Randomly infect the environment.
  • Ignore add-ons.
  • Ignore the early game, as this is her weakest part of any match.
  • Focus on one survivor too much, especially if they are adept at dodging Purges.

The Plague Trivia

The Plague

  • The Plague is one of few killers that doesn’t have an animation for wiping their weapon after hitting a survivor.
  • The Plague was the first killer added to Dead by Daylight to speak a real language.
  • The player can heal the Plague swallow her vomit when canceling a charging power.
  • The Plague is the oldest known killer in Dead by Daylight.
  • The name Adiris means empathy, persistence, and resourcefulness.


Question: Is the Plague Difficult to Play in Dead by Daylight?

Answer: Yes, the Plague is one of the most challenging and mechanically complicated killers in the game’s current roster.

Question: What Language does the Plague Speak in Dead by Daylight?

Answer: The Plague speaks the dead language known as Akkadian or ancient Sumerian.

Question: What does the Plague Say in her Mori?

Answer: The Plague’s voice line during her Mori has been translated to say, “Attention God, exorcise the sea!”


The Plague can be an incredibly intimidating killer to try and learn. Her mechanics and strategies take time and patience for players to learn, and it can be difficult to keep the survivors from countering your efforts throughout a match.

However, once a player has learned the Plague, they have access to a potent, unique, and fun killer to play with multiple strong build options, mechanics that can mess with survivors, and some interesting lore.

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