dead by daylight wraith guide

Dead by Daylight Wraith Guide

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The Wraith was one of the original three killers that launched with Dead by Daylight. He is a stealth killer that excels in ambushing survivors and downing them before they have time to react or avoid him properly. He is also one of the most accessible killers to learn and play in the game.

He is a great jumping-off point for newcomers or survivor players who want to try and learn how to play the killer. So, if you’re looking to pick up killers, in this Dead by Daylight Wraith guide, you will learn what you need to start playing the Wraith.

Key Info Up Front

  • Name: Philip Ojomo
  • Alias: Banshee
  • Realm: Autohaven Wreckers
  • Power: Wailing Bell
  • Movement Speed: 4.6 m/s
  • Terror Radius: 32 meters
  • Perks: Bloodhound, Predator, Shadowborn

Wraith Overview

The Wraith

The Wraith is all about sneaking up on unsuspecting survivors and excels at tracking survivors to make killing them easier. His perks increase his abilities to track his prey, making him a frighteningly efficient killer. He came to the United States from Nigeria and got a job at Autohaven Wreckers, where various crimes were done under the blind eye of bribed cops.

The Wraith had seen numerous crimes all over Nigeria and was not phased by the criminal life he had found himself adjacent to. He did not get involved with the criminal activity, and instead just kept to himself and operated the car crusher in one part of the lot. That was, until one day, he noticed blood slowly trickling from the trunk of one of the nearby cars. When he opened the trunk, he found a tied-up young man, who he let go.

However, the Wraith’s boss quickly caught the man and slit his throat. The boss then revealed to the Wraith that he had been acting as an executioner the entire time he worked there, as each car he crushed had a person trapped inside of it.

This threw the Wraith into a fit of rage, driving him to throw his boss into the crusher and slowly close it on him. As his boss tried to escape, his head stuck out from the side of the crusher, but the Wraith grabbed his head and pulled, ripping it and his spine from his body. Then, the Wraith was never seen again.

Wraith Perks

The Wraith’s three perks focus on making tracking and finding survivors easier, making them great for players still learning the role’s fundamentals. They can also be unlocked in the killer’s Bloodweb to be usable with other killers. His three unique perks are:


This perk raises the brightness of Pools of Blood to make them easier to spot. It also increases how long they can be tracked by killers for 2/3/4 seconds, depending on the perk’s rank.


This perk makes the Scratch Marks left behind by survivors spawn closer together depending on the perks’ rank. This helps the killer track survivors even if they can’t see them much more easily.


This perk increases the killer’s field of view by 9/12/15°, depending on its rank.

Related read: Comprehensive Dead by Daylight Perks Guide.

Wraith Abilities

Wraith Abilities

The Wraith’s main weapon is known as Azarov’s Skull. It is fashioned with the skull and spine of his boss that has been formed to sprout a massive blade like an axe. His power is the Wailing Bell, a heavy iron bell that can be used to enter the Spirit World while ringing it.

This allows the Wraith to effectively disappear and sneak up on survivors. When the Wraith reappears by ringing the bell again, he is able to perform a short lunge to strike unsuspecting survivors. However, the Wraith cloaking and decloaking are accompanied by noises that survivors can hear. He is also more susceptible to light, making flashlights give him the Lightburn status effect. The Wraith also has these stats:

  • Cloaked Movement Speed: 6 m/s
  • Uncloaking Movement Speed: 1.6 m/s
  • Cloaking Duration: 1.5 seconds
  • Uncloaking Duration: 3 seconds

The Wraith’s abilities can also be augmented with these add-ons:

Rarity Add-On Description
Common “The Serpent” – Soot Makes the Wraith fully come out of cloaking when he breaks Pallets or damages Generators. 
“The Hound” – Soot Makes Pools of Blood look bright red when the Wraith is cloaked.
“The Ghost” – Soot Suppresses the Wraith’s Terror Radius and red stain for 6 seconds after he uncloaks.
“The Beast” – Soot Doubles the Bloodpoints gained from Stalking and Surprise Attack events and makes the Wraith have his Terror Radius while cloaked. 
Uncommon Bone Clapper Removes the ability for survivors to tell the distance or direction of the sounds made by the Wraith’s bell.
“Blink” – Mud Decreases the time it takes to cloak by 40%.
“Windstorm” – Mud Increases the Wraith’s movement speed while cloaked by 5%.
“Swift Hunt” – Mud Decreases the time it takes to uncloak by 8%.
“Blind Warrior” – Mud Afflicts survivors hit with a Surprise Attack with the Blindness status effect for 60 seconds. 
Rare “Windstorm” – White Increases the Wraith’s movement speed while cloaked by 7%.
“Swift Hunt” – White Decreases the time it takes for the Wraith to uncloak by 10%.
“Shadow Dance” – White Decreases the time it takes for the Wraith to break Pallets, damage Generators, and vault Windows by 40% while cloaked.
“Blink” – White Decreases the time it takes for the Wraith to cloak by 60%.
“Blind Warrior” – White Afflicts survivors hit with a Surprise Attack with the Mangled and Haemorrhage status effects until they are fully healed.
Very Rare “Windstorm” – Blood Increases the Wraith’s movement speed while cloaked by 9%.
“Swift Hunt” – Blood Decreases the time it takes for the Wraith to uncloak by 12%.
“Shadow Dance” – Blood Decreases the time it takes for the Wraith to break Pallets, damage Generators, and vault Windows by 60% while cloaked.
“All Seeing” – Blood Reveals survivors’ auras within 8 meters of the Wraith while he is cloaked.
Ultra Rare Coxcombed Clapper Makes the bell not make any sound when the Wraith uses it.
“All Seeing” – Spirit Makes the aura of generators reveal how close they are to being completed while the Wraith is cloaked. 

Wraith Builds

If you want to start playing the Wraith, you’ll also want to start taking advantage of some of the killer’s very best builds to help you kill survivors with their best. So, you’ll want to check out these builds:

Introductory Wraith

This build is focused on helping newcomers to the Wraith learn what makes him tick and how to take full advantage of his unique ability.

This build is also focused on being usable by newcomers to killers, so it doesn’t take advantage of any killer-specific perks that have to be unlocked by playing other characters.

Wraith Builds

For this build, you’ll also want to run add-ons that increase your speed like Windstorm and ones that help keep you hidden like Bone Clapper. You’ll also want to use these perks:

  • Whispers: This perk makes you hear whispers whenever a survivor is within 48/40/32 meters of you.
  • Sloppy Butcher: This perk afflicts survivors hit with a basic attack with the Haemorrhage and Mangled status effects. It also increases the frequency they bleed and the rate their incomplete healing loses progress.
  • Bloodhound (Wraith): This perk raises the brightness of Pools of Blood to make them easier to spot. It also increases how long they can be tracked by killers for 2/3/4 seconds, depending on the perk’s rank.
  • Shadowborn (Wraith): This perk increases the killer’s field of view by 9/12/15° depending on its rank.

Generator Wraith

This build focuses on making the Wraith an unseen force to be reckoned with by helping him take away generator progress and track survivors with their auras. However, to make it work, you’ll need perks from other killers, so this one is more for experienced killer players that either want to get the teachable variants of the Wraith’s perks or want to return to one of their first characters.

Good add-ons for this build are any that increase the Wraith’s movement speed or shorten the time it takes for him to cloak and uncloak. You’ll also want these perks:

  • Hex: Ruin (Hag): This perk makes generators regress up to twice as fast when they aren’t being worked on by a survivor, as long as its totem hasn’t been blessed or cleansed.
  • Pop Goes the Weasel (Clown): Pop Goes the Weasel activates for up to 45 seconds when a survivor is hooked. While it is active, the next generator the killer damages will lose 25% of its progression and then go into regression.
  • A Nurse’s Calling (Nurse)Reveals survivors’ auras that heal within 20/24/28 meters of you.
  • Discordance (Legion): Reveals the aura of generators being repaired by two or more survivors within 64/96/128 meters of you. This effect lingers for 4 seconds when its conditions are no longer met.

Well-Rounded Wraith

This build is one of the best possible for the Wraith because it accentuates his strengths and allows him to react to any strategy or approach taken by the survivors.

It will allow you to track down survivors and keep on them to prevent them from making any solid progress on generators or being able to heal themselves after you strike.

For add-ons, you’ll want to take any rarity of Windstorm and Swift Hunt, but the higher the monster is better. You’ll also need these perks:

  • Corrupt Intervention (Plague): Blocks three generators at the start of the match that is the furthest away from the killer for up to 120 seconds.
  • Save the Best for Last (Shape): This perk marks one survivor as your Obsession. Whenever you hit a survivor other than your Obsession with a basic attack, the perk gets one token, up to a maximum of eight. For each token, your cool-downs are reduced by a stackable 5%. Depending on the perk’s rank, you lose some of those tokens when you hit your Obsession.
  • Thrilling Tremors (Ghost Face): Blocks all generators not being worked on by survivors when you pick up a survivor for 16 seconds. This perk also highlights those generators with a white aura, allowing you to know which ones are being worked on.
  • Pop Goes the Weasel (Clown): Pop Goes the Weasel activates for up to 45 seconds when a survivor is hooked. While it is active, the next generator the killer damages will lose 25% of its progression and then go into regression.

Wraith Do’s and Don’ts



  • Use your cloaking frequently, as it is the strongest part of the Wraith’s tool kit.
  • Take your time following survivors to find an opportune time to strike.
  • Play mind games with the survivors using your cloak ability to keep them on their toes and mix them up.
  • Attack survivors from behind so that they have less time to react as you uncloak.
  • Used downed survivors to bait others rather than hooking them right away.
  • Use perks to negate the Wraith’s Lightburn effect and surprise players with flashlights.
  • Focus on degrading survivor resources so that they can’t heal after you hit them once and go looking for other prey.
  • Trick survivors into thinking they escaped you, and then use the Wraith’s superior tracking ability to follow them and strike again when they think they are safe.


  • Worry too much about chasing down survivors. It is a very viable strategy for the Wraith to hit a target once and let them go to strike again later.
  • Be afraid to camp hooked survivors and other objectives to catch survivors where you know they have to go.
  • Be afraid to cloak too much.
  • Ignore the Wraith’s powerful add-ons.
  • Think that just because the Wraith is an easier killer, he is weak.

Wraith Trivia

Wraith and Nurse

  • The Wraith’s last name of ojomo means a change in Nigerian.
  • The swinging of the Wraith’s weapon is accompanied by the sound of a Xylophone when he raises it above his head.
  • The Wraith is one of only two killers in the game that suffer from Lightburn.
  • The Wraith can be forced to uncloak when hit with a Flash Grenade.


Question: Who is the Wraith based on Dead by Daylight?

Answer: The Wraith is inspired by the Grim Reaper. This can be seen in his scythe-like weapon, his ability to hide from humans, and his use of a tolling bell for his duties.

Question: Is the Wraith good in Dead by Daylight?

Answer: The Wraith is an excellent killer and is one of the best for players still learning how to play the role well. This is because his perks make him one of the best killers for tracking and stalking killers.

Question: How do you get the Wraith in Dead by Daylight?

Answer: The Wraith was one of the original three killers and is available to all players when they first start the game.


The Wraith is not nearly as complicated or as intricate to play as other killers in Dead by Daylight, but he can still be fun. His proficiency in tracking survivors makes him very approachable while also helping him be a real threat in the game.

The Wraith’s ability to surprise and ambush survivors also make him very fun to play as, especially when playing against friends that you can hear the reactions of.

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